Thursday 21 March 2013

Departure Day - 21st March 2013

The day has finally arrived and we spend the time before departure cleaning the last few things out of the house, with most things ending on the council cleanup pile out the front. The camper is then folded up, hooked up to the Triton and we are ready to start our adventure.
Leaving the driveway is a mix of emotions - the start of our plan for the next 18 months, but also the end of our attachment to our home and having an address to come back to every night. I will miss our bathroom and especially the shower, whilst Di will miss the toilet and outdoor setting for a relaxed cuppa.
The normal trip out of Sydney and across the mountains, just a bit slower than normal with the weight of the camper and all of our worldly possessions in tow. Quick stop at Lithgow for lunch in the park, before heading to Orange and Daz & Kaz. We plan to spend a couple of days staying at their luxury resort before spending the first of many nights in the camper. Thanks heaps guys for your hospitality and welcome.
More to come soon......
Di & Hammo


  1. Good luck on the big adventure guys! Thanks for keeping a blog so we can live vicariously through you. :-) Should be a great 18 months.

    Looking forward to the next exciting instalment.

  2. Hey guys. Good to see you found time to write a blog on D-day. I hope everything goes well, and if it doesn't, I'm sure it will make for a good story. Thanks for letting me into your "inner sanctum" known as friends. I look forward to hearing more of your adventures. Take care :-) Connie
